Dental implants can give you back your smile! Medical research and thousands of happy patients make teeth implants today’s preferred choice over conventional dentures and bridges. Although traditional tooth replacements such as partial dentures may provide a temporary solution, they just cannot deliver the lasting fit, look and function of dental implants.
About 70 percent of middle aged adults are missing at least one tooth, and by age 74, more than 25 percent have lost all of them. Teeth fall out for all kinds of reasons. Gum disease and poor oral hygiene are the most common reasons, but accidents and genetics also cause missing teeth. There are many risk factors involved with missing teeth, so it is important to replace them quickly to preserve bone structure.
Dr. Darryl Field uses high-quality Zimmer dental implants to replace missing teeth. Teeth implants behave like your own natural teeth because they are surgically installed in the jaw bone, a process called osseointegration, for a lasting and superior fit.
Visiting our periodontist can greatly improve your quality of life because with dental implants, your smile looks real, you can eat whatever you wish, and smile with confidence.
Dental implants are even therapeutic. Made of titanium, which resists decay, they actually mimic human tooth roots. This is important because tooth roots are needed to maintain the health of your jaw bone by stimulating it throughout the day. Missing teeth lead to bone loss.
Patients who visit Dr. Field can also expect their Zimmer dental implants to last. All they require is good oral hygiene and regular periodontal checkups. If you’re in need of high quality dental implants in Jacksonville, FL call Darryl A Field, DDS, PA today to schedule a consultation appointment.
Fernandina Beach Office
960115 Gateway Blvd Suite #2
Fernandina Beach, FL 32034
Jacksonville Beach Office
1361 13th Avenue South, Suite 220
Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250